Saturday, May 31, 2008


hey we made it home safe and sound. we had a great time in Virginia. we got to visit with my best friend and her girls. we went to Virginia beach and had great time we walked along the beach and the girls rode rides. on Sunday we drove up to Washington dc what an amazing beautiful place to visit. we walked and walked. we were so tired.we are so glad to be home.

please continue to pray for brian as he prepares to start school. maybe sooner than expected but we are following God's plan.

love and prayers
Brian and Tricia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you got to get away for awhile (I'm actually jealous) and that you had a good time. I have been waiting for an update on your blog.

Sorry we haven't gotten back in touch with you about coming to see the baby. Girl--it's been CRAZY around here adjusting to all the new changes. I think things have slowed down a tad so email me and we'll find a time for you to come by and visit.