Tuesday, April 21, 2009

keegan is rolling everywhere

Keegan has the rolling game down to a "T".... he is all over the house under the couch. he has started pulling the blankets over his face but as soon as he does he cries for help... he is holding his bottle all by himself. he is getting so big so fast. he tries to crawl but have not succeeded at that yet. he loves his jumparoo.... we have been busy with life...Keegan weighs 20lbs 7oz at his last visit. we are ready for our vacation in may... we are planning to go to Tennessee to see some friends of ours for memorial weekend... we are excited to have our first family vacation.. well see how he does in the car for an 8 hr drive...

Brian's sister Brenda will be having her baby in may she is on bed rest baby Jonah is trying to come already she is 34 weeks just a few more before he can officially come and be okay... say your prayers for her....

glad it is warming up outside. i can not wait till we can go to the park and zoo and its not windy cold or rainy...

summer is coming....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is really getting to be fun. Enjoy every second of it b/c it truly flies by! Oh, and I cannot BELIEVE he is holding his bottle, that little stinker. My girls would never think about holding theirs. :)