Friday, June 26, 2009


well we had a tough time finding out what was wrong with out little man but he is all better once we got the right medicine. he is a happy baby again. he is pulling up and walking along everything. we have a swimming pool in our back yard now and he loves the water. he does not want to be in the baby rings that you are supposed to use. he wants to be out and in the water with Brian and I. he is growing up way to fast. we have our 2 bottom teeth and we are biting... any idea's how to get him to stop biting??????? he weighs 24lbs and is growing. he is almost as tall as my 2 year old niece Hailey. it is so cute when they are together. well have a great weekend. we have 2 baby showers and lots of stuff to get done this weekend.....

have a safe 4Th of July everyone.....

the Schultz family

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