Saturday, January 17, 2009

2nd post placement visit

we had our 2ND post placement visit last Wednesday and it went great. we only have one more in February and then we have our finalization!!! we are so excited about that day.

after our placement visit we went to the ou women's basketball game and took Keegan to his 1st basketball game ever. he did really good with all the noise. we had some older ladies sitting behind us who he liked to look at. keegan met Boomer at the game and he did not cry.

sorry for all the updates today. we have been really busy with Brian starting school my sister having her baby keegan's shower and just life.

love the Schultz family


My Wonderfully Crazy Life said...

Looking at all these pics, and knowing and being there for you through this process brought me to tears. Your dream had finally came true. It always killed me to see how much you hurt wanting to be a mom, and now theres no more pain. Its all joy from here on out. Being a mom can be stressful, but its the best thing a woman could ever do. I can't wait to be there for all the highs he will bring you. I was there for lows, but now it all about the love, caos, excitement, and memories. God is good!

Love always, your best friend for life.

Lindsey said...

YAY!!! HOW exciting! :)