Tuesday, October 21, 2008

meeting with foster family

we are all going to meet with the foster family that will have baby Keegan while we are waiting for both parents rights to be terminated. we are excited to meet them. we are praying that this will give us more peace about the situation. the birth father that caused the bump in the road has not called back nor has he responded to the paper work that was sent to him. our birth mom Nikki went to the Dr yesterday and baby Keegan is doing great the Dr said that he probably weighs about 9lbs. the Dr said that if baby Keegan does not make his appearance before next Monday we will do a c-section. the birth mom Nikki is very nervous about that. please keep her in your prayers and baby Keegan. we are good just ready to hold baby Keegan. i will post pics of us with our birth mom later. have a blessed week and i will update you all after our meeting with the foster family tonight.

love and prayers
Tricia and Brian


Anonymous said...

How did your meeting go?

Molly said...

How did your meeting go? I am dying to know how it went and if you have heard anything about the baby! Can't wait to see pictures too! We are praying that everything goes smoothly!